About Me

You give me something that's broken, or incomplete, and I will turn it into an experience truly worthwhile. I like to find new ways of looking at something and seeing how it can be expressed differently than what it was before. Remember flip cell phones? Well do you remember how closed you could make it before the backlight on the numbers turned off? I can remember seeing that as a little monster with the numbers its teeth and the plug its nose – there are all sorts of ways to see the world.

On top of seeing things differently, it’s really great when you can be technologically inclined enough to prove it. Whether it's making an odd Kinect prototype, or building a game where a motion capture studio itself is the game controller; nothing beats the thrill of making that new experience yourself and bringing it to life.

Just as I love making new experiences, I love experiencing new things - it makes you more knowledgeable. I've done things from gator-hunting (makes it tastier), to wrestling, to studying linguistics and cultures, to driving a NASCAR vehicle, to scuba diving, and so much in-between. Even took part in an amateur stand-up comedy act for a live charity event! It's fantastic to really experience and appreciate everything life has to offer.

If you’re interested in hearing more fun life stories, just message. Come on, you know you want to hear the gator-hunting story ;-)

I presently live in Birmingham, England.

Other places I've lived: